Technology essay writing
Topic For Essay For Grade 7
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Pope and Roman Catholic Church free essay sample
Use models from the exercises to form a very much created section on the accompanying: Why do history specialists think about the best accomplishment of the Byzantine Empire to be the conservation of Greek and Roman societies? Exposition SUBMISSION Historians consider the best accomplishment of the Byzantine Empire to be the conservation of Greek and Roman societies on the grounds that after the fall of the roman domain and the little Greek expresses the byzantine realm despite everything kept their societies making it one. The Byzantine wound up being the survivors after the breakdown of the Roman Empire in the west. Be that as it may in the event that it was not a direct result of the byzantine roman and antiquated Greek societies would vanish or even a generally secret. This exposition has not been reviewed. Question 49 (Worth 10 focuses) (02. 06 MC)Answer the accompanying inquiry in a one-section reaction: How did The Great Schism of 1378 to 1417 (otherwise called The Western Schism) sway the Roman Catholic Church? Exposition SUBMISSION The Great Schism of 1378 to 1417 (otherwise called The Western Schism) sway the Roman Catholic Church by the validity of the ecclesiastical heredity after it was part into 2 distinct camps known as the counter popes at Avignon and the papacy at Rome. We will compose a custom article test on Pope and Roman Catholic Church or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Anyway at the time it befuddled individuals with regards to who was the genuine popes were which provided reason to feel ambiguous about the legitimate solidarity of the Church This exposition has not been reviewed. Question 50 (Worth 10 focuses) (03. 05 MC)Select two gatherings from the Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas and think about how they fabricated complex governments. Paper SUBMISSION The Inca had somebody who was essentially a lord, and beneath him there were four of them like in apos who ran different offices, fundamentally like the United States. They additionally fabricated complex governments implies expounding on how they went from being modest communities to ranches to bigger city states and realms.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Why Study History Essay Example For Students
Why Study History Essay History: Discipline, Foundation, Mold, and ComfortThe Primary Reason for Studying History: It Civilizes Us. Innate in the meaning of history as a control is the idea that history is a teaching operator on human conduct. The motivation behind order is association, especially self-association, and it is just through the viewpoint of history that we can see obviously how to sort out ourselves as acculturated creatures. This association is reflected by national and sub national groupings, strict, legitimate, and business codes, and our relations with others (both relational and universal), among others. Where history has recorded the affiliations and disintegrations among the people groups of the earth, notwithstanding their revelations, from fire to the web, from the wheel to the rocket, these accounts have composed and control people through the mind boggling past a few thousand years of our turn of events. We will compose a custom paper on Why Study History explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Extra Reasons to Study History: Understanding and Improving Ourselves and Our World There are obviously other convincing motivations to consider history, as identified by Peter Stearns. The first, and seemingly generally significant, as per Stearns is that history gives a premise to comprehension, and in a perfect world, living calmly, among various people groups, in spite of the fact that the facts demonstrate that this information is likewise used to take up arms. Through his contention on the recorded investigation of liquor abuse, Stearns likewise infers that it helps increment our comprehension of social marvels inside our own general public. The delight of reading history for the good of its own is another explanation Stearns addresses, which is apparently valid for all orders. History is an instrument, also, for creating ourselves, as residents, laborers, basic scholars, and good creatures as indicated by Stearns. And keeping in mind that Stearns doesn't state it unequivocally , the total of his thinking proposes the end that George Santayana came to longer than a century back, Those who can't recollect the past are sentenced to rehash it. A Final Reason to Study History: ComfortFinally, notwithstanding the utilization of history as a control, and for the numerous reasons Stearns proposes, there is another fundamental nature of history which serves a less down to earth yet basic reason. History is soothing. History grounds us in dubious occasions, times of quick change and change. The stressed breathe easy because of the warm shroud of the past; the criticized approach history to retaliate for them. Notwithstanding how much or minimal an individual is aware of this control, every piece of information continues us with the acknowledgment that as terrible as things seem to be, they have likely been as awful or more terrible previously. History, truly, has unlimited purposes, some solid and basic, some less along these lines, however paying little mind to ou r motivation for examining history, it is continually fulfilling. ReferencesStearns, Peter. (1998). ? American Historical Association. Recovered January 14, 2009 from, George. (1905). The basic release of crafted by George Santayana. Recovered January 14, 2009 from
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Siddhartha A spiritual Journey of Self-Discovery - 1375 Words
Siddhartha: A spiritual Journey of Self-Discovery (Essay Sample) Content: Name Professor's Name Course Number Date Siddhartha: A spiritual Journey of Self-Discovery Siddhartha, a publication by Hermann Hesse, is a novel that seeks to give answers to profound questions pertaining love, individuality, self, and friendship. The plot revolves around the life of Siddhartha and Govinda sons of Bahraims, and their quest to understand Nirvana, or the way of life. Both characters have underlying desires to understand the way of life through divinity. Nevertheless, they differ in their ways and willingness to search for the truth. The path that Siddhartha follows is manifested in three principal stages namely; asceticism, prosperity, and reflection and evaluation of experiences which are the stages that enable him to attain his childhood goal of absolute wisdom and enlightenment. The publication takes a bibliographical theme which enhances a smooth transition of events during Siddhartha's journey. It makes the publication enticing and extremely captivating to the audience. The read starts with the departure of the persona from his home. Upon leaving home, Siddhartha makes several mistakes along the way. Nevertheless, he realizes his mistakes and yet again embarks on his path to Nirvana. The novel portrays an array of themes such as love, wisdom, spirituality, mortality, and dissatisfaction. Among the numerous themes in the novel, the theme of spirituality is manifested throughout the publication. This is from the time Siddhartha leaves his family, friends, and home in search of enlightenment until the end when he attains Nirvana. Siddhartha's spiritual journey to Nirvana succumbs under worldly pleasures along the way. It is manifested by how the pleasures suck Siddhartha in deeper and deeper until he loses his focus. The magnitude of his belief in spirituality is manifested when he refuses to learn the ways of enlightenment from others. Instead, he wants to experience it by himself through personal experiences. Upon leaving his home, Siddhartha joins a group of Samana in believe that he might attain Nirvana. The Samana was a group of wandering ascetics that Siddhartha thought had attained enlightenment and divine. The Samana's believed that self actualization can only be attained by a life of self deprivation, and wandering. Nevertheless, after a three year period, Siddhartha leaves them and instead opts to follow the teachings of Gotama. The role of Samana in the plot of the novel was to show that divinity alone cannot bring about self actualization. Asceticism in the life of Siddhartha marks his first stage to enlightenment. Asceticism has been characterized by a state self- mortification of all worldly pleasures. This is in search for contemplative ideologies about life as well as religious aspects. The protagonist, Siddhartha, denies himself material possessions in order to attain divinity. This phenomenon can be compared by the life that monks or hermits have in today's society. Since he was born in a wealthy family, Siddhartha tries asceticism to attain enlightenment. He was the son of a prince, Rajah (Soccio, Pg.43). He later finds out that he is not able to attain satisfaction through asceticism. He is frustrated after discovering that asceticism is merely a way for people to escape daily earthly tribulations. Siddhartha abandons his position as a future Brahmin priest after he discovers that asceticism is a sheer waste of time. This scene plays a prominent role in the plot development of novel, Siddharta. It shows that absolute divinity cannot bring about any form of wisdom otherwise gained through experience. It brings about the realization that divinity cannot yield any form of wisdom alone without experiencing events themselves. Siddhartha realizes that it is possible to attain knowledge through teachings, but wisdom cannot be attained by mere communication. The second phase in his journey to enlightenment is illustrated by Siddhartha's change of ways, from asceticism to wealth and prosperity. He abandons the learned ascetics and decides to take pride in acquiring earthly possessions. During this phase, he encounters Kamala a beautiful courtesan who later educates him about the arts of love (Goode, Pg.70). Upon their marriage, Siddhartha accepts Kamala as a teacher in the world of wealth and prosperity. Siddhartha describes Kamala as a good teacher who aided him on his path to enlightenment. This is by helping him see all that the world of possessions has to offer. Kamala plays a prominent role in this scene. She takes up the educative role of enlightening Siddhartha about the pleasures of the world. Her relationship with Siddhartha can be characterized to be that of one of a teacher and a student (Hesse, Pg.41). She helps Siddhartha see that material possessions cannot help him attain self actualization. Together with Kamala they have a child who further binds them together. Nevertheless, at the end of this phase, their bond is not built on transcendent love, but it is mutually beneficial. This is because, through Siddhartha, Kamala seems to attain relative peace if not enlightenment. After several years of living a materialistic life, Siddhartha evaluates on his life characterized by money, sex, and earthly possessions. He lives like a merchant based from two different decades, by learning about love from Kamala, and about wealth from Kamaswami CITATION Boo12 \l 1033 (BookCaps). Siddhartha again realizes that he has no meaningful thing in his life. He realizes that he is suffering from what is characterized as the soul sickness, which is supposedly attained by the rich people. This realization drives him into making a decision to leave Kamala and all the wealth he had amassed for her. He realizes that in order for someone to appreciate all things in life, a person must search for inner peace and wisdom. Earthly possessions despite how extensive they can be may not be enough for a person to attain Nirvana. From this phase, he also learns that in order to attain peace inner peace, a person must not necessary look for Nirvana. Instead, he should be ready to learn various life teachings and also appreciate all experiences that come along the way. The third stage in Siddhartha's life is marked with by his encounter with Vasudeva a ferryman while wandering in the woods (Bailey Hoffman, Pg.142). Vasudeva plays a key role in the Siddhartha's quest at this stage. Vasudeva is depicted as an intelligent man in this phase. He enhances the theme of wisdom in the plot of the movie. Siddhartha becomes an apprentice to Vasudeva and also shares his life experiences with him. Siddhartha is fascinated on how another person can get so captivated by his narration through listening. After narrating his experiences, Siddhartha realizes that he attains self calmness and relief. He marvels at the power of listening that Vasudeva has. This phase marks the climax of the play. Through listening, Siddhartha learns about the interconnectedness of various life forms in the world. He achieves this after Vasudeva advises hi...
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Classroom Reflection - 1256 Words
My experience was informational. I was able to see how my students are inside the classroom environment with my teacher how they are in art. I was also able to observe another classroom and see how they differ from my class. All of these are completely different spaces where the children act differently. Comparing these different environments provided a unique insight into how these children act differently depending on who is around. Having been with these children a lot now, I have the ability to interact with them and get to know them individually. This helps in my classroom assessments because I am able to differentiate between how children normally behave and what the normal classroom routine is like. When the children were in my†¦show more content†¦One thing that I don’t like about my class, though, is that there are no rules posted. I know in the other class, there are rules posted so when a child goes against the rules, they can refer back to the list. Since we don’t have a list of rules, there is no consequences for misbehavior. There has been a lot of issues with children touching others, like hitting or poking. We do have meetings about it but there are no consequences for the children so there is no way for them to learn. In my class, I will definitely have a set of rules that we as a class come up with together on the first day. I will make sure this list consists of the positive side instead of the negative side and have limits so children know what will happen if they break the rules. Another takeaway I got was how important it is to have lessons based on their real life. In our social studies, we have lessons about places and objects that they see in their everyday lives. We learn about the islands we are visiting so that we can apply this information when we visit. This makes it more interesting for the children because it isn’t just arbitrary information. When they recognize something we have learned about or know little bits of information ahead of time, they get really excited. Having the children become excited about learning is something I want to instill in my students. This excitement will carry them through their future educationalShow MoreRelatedReflection On The Classroom Observation1469 Words  | 6 PagesClassroom Observations Introduction I chose to observe Mrs. Tijerina for my classroom observation. There are many reasons why I decided to observe Mrs. Tijerina. I elected to observe Mrs. Tijerina so I could see another teacher’s perspective on teaching Spanish, as she and Mrs. Fiechter are the only Spanish teachers in the school. Furthermore, I never had Mrs. Tijerina for Spanish 2, as the teacher I had left Adams Central. 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Classroom management is a combination of four areas: seatwork, organization, withitness and assignments. Seatwork in classroom management involves making sure that the work given to students will keep them interested and on taskRead MoreClassroom Reflection1144 Words  | 5 Pagescame in and immediately stated that â€Å"Science is not about beliefs, but about accepting the theories and laws that have supporting evidence.†She waited a few moments, and once again, repeated the same phrase; when she finished, she said â€Å"In this classroom, we will not question anyone’s faith or beliefs; we will, however, will focus on gathering evidence and understanding the underlying principles of the theory of evolution.†Throughout the semester, as I encountered ideas that were inconsistent andRead MoreClassroom R eflection1500 Words  | 6 Pagesas to how to become a better educator in a classroom setting. Through the data I collected I was able to connect Borich’s Seven Variables of learning to the students. By being in the clinical setting for nearly two months, I have been exposed to new ways of thinking when it comes to structuring a classroom and instructing a classroom. Within this reflection you will find out how I would better plan an effective lesson for the pupils in my future classroom. You will also discover what I will do aboutRead MoreClassroom Reflection1017 Words  | 5 Pagesconcepts that will stick with me for years. I learned that there are many ways in which to facilitate peer learning that doesn’t just mean talking to people from a PowerPoint. There are fun and new ways that we can present and engage learning within a classroom. I also learned that facilitating peer learning means a lot more than just listening to what the students must say or just talking at them. Facilitating peer learning encompasses everything from having to help give ideas to peers that they mightRead MoreClassroom Reflection739 Words  | 3 Pages Although my principal observed my classroom instruction as mandated, she never visited my classroom again. When she retired at the end of my sixth-year teaching, my principal had not formally evaluated in years. Mercy’s current principal arrived in the fall of 2012, and she made plans to visit classrooms regularly. I was initially nervous, but I felt hopeful at the same time. She frequently performed informal walk-throughs, and she conducted formal classroom observations that year. UnfortunatelyRead MoreClassroom Reflection809 Words  | 4 Pageshelpful with engagement in the classroom. The Industrial Tic Tac Toe caught my eyes because I am actually using it to complete this assignment and it gives me complete autonomy over my work, which is the point. When trying to engage students, I learned from the guidelines, is that you should give your students autonomy and when you give them choices, theyre more willing to engage. Using the Tic Tac Toe assignment is a good way for engagement. When I have my classroom of 6th graders, I want to useRead MoreClassroom Reflection1018 Words  | 5 Pagesthat were taking place in the classroom. Before the class started, however, she introduced me to the class for the sake of making the children comfortable with my presence around them. The time that I spent in the classroom was enough for me to make a right amount of critical observations. I managed to get a lesson plan from her, which contained the learning outcomes that she aimed to achieve by the end of the lesson. Through observing what was happening in the classroom and how she conducted her classRead MoreClassroom Reflection943 Words  | 4 Pagesmoments in the Cohort and in the classrooms, are moments that stay with you for the rest of your career. I can honestly say that every day I was in the classroom with my kids and supporting them during their educational journey was a highlight, but one specific highlight comes to mind when looking back. While I was always there helping the kids out and supporting my teacher mentor, I was given my first chance at the beginning of semester to take the lead in my classroom. The kids were working on rounding
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
We Must Stop Child Abuse and Neglect Essay - 961 Words
Child abuse is one of the most tragic problems in America today. Each year, over three million American children are beaten, neglected, or sexually abused by their parents or guardians. Infants only a few days old as well as teenagers are subject to child abuse. There are four types of child abuse: physical abuse, physical neglect, sexual abuse, and emotional abuse. Child abuse is a serious problem that plagues Americas youth and must be stopped. Physical abuse is one form of child abuse. According to social agencies, beatings of children have multiplied over the past twenty years. Physical abuse is any abuse that is harmful to the child. This kind of abuse includes the physical discipline which results in observable injuries†¦show more content†¦Inadequate supervision is dependent upon the childs age, developmental level, willingness to stay alone, time of day, awareness of what to do in case of an emergency, whether the child is responsible for watching younger brothers and/or sisters, whether the child had any physical or mental limitations that would make it difficult or impossible for the child to care for himself/herself, and/or any other applicable circumstances. Some signs of neglect are obvious in children and others are not. A sign of neglect is that the child/children have repeated injuries that are not properly treated or adequately explained. Another sign of neglect is that the child/children begin acting in unusual ways ranging from disruptive and aggressive to passive and withdrawn. Their sleep is disturbed (nightmares, bedwetting, fear of sleeping alone). They lose all of their appetite or they overeat. There is a sudden drop in school grades or participation in school or after school activities. They may act in stylized ways, such as sexual behavior that is not normal for their age group. Sexual abuse is defined as acts of sexual harassment and sexual exploitation of minors. Sexual abuse encompasses a broad range of behavior and may consist of many acts over a long period of time or a single incident. The nature of sexual abuse, the shame of the child victim, and the possibleShow MoreRelatedsymptoms of abuse998 Words  | 4 PagesWithin the definition of safeguarding is also child protection. Protecting the child is very serious responsibility and it means that we must ensure that the child is not a victim of abuse. We can distinguish different kinds of abuse: physical, emotional, sexual abuse or neglect. To notice abused child the practitioner must know possible signs and symptoms visible to eyes or particular patterns of behavior that can be results of abuse. Physical abuse can be spotted on the base of two differentRead MoreChild Abuse And Neglect Is The Act Of Maltreating A Child Essay1708 Words  | 7 Pages child Abuse and Neglect In America Child Abuse is the act of maltreating a child. Abusing of a child can be by the parents, guardians or caregiver. More than five children die every day as a result of child abuse and neglect. Eighty percent of these children are under the age of four. We have close to sixteen million children in America and every child deserved a short at the American dream. When every child gets a fair chance at success, AmericanRead MoreChild Abuse993 Words  | 4 PagesChild abuse is defined as a variety of harmful behaviors directed against children. It can take many forms. Child abuse in general is a psychological problem or perversion of the abuser. The abuser is referred to as the perpetrator of abuse. Child abuse includes the following conditions: ïÆ'Ëœ Child sexual abuse ïÆ'Ëœ Physical abuse ïÆ'Ëœ Child neglect ïÆ'Ëœ Emotional neglect and abuse Although some cases of child abuse are obvious, many are not. Early recognition of child abuse is very important to getRead MoreThe Problem Of Child Abuse1134 Words  | 5 Pagesfollowing paper is about Child Abuse. This paper will look into the description of the problem, the policies that has helped solved the problem, involvement in resolving the problem, and person recommendations on changing the approach of the problem. Description of the Problem/History Child abuse is a form of any sexual activity that a child doesn’t give consent to. Whether it may be sexually or physically if the child is not mentally ready it is still a form of abuse. Child abuse also can lead to differentRead MoreChild Abuse Prevention And Treatment Act1017 Words  | 5 Pagesand often the intervention too late. Abuse and maltreatment of children have similar faces that may go unknown, silent or unseen. Is child abuse different from the today that n the past, which caused an increase of this type of abuse? Many children are unprotected form physical, sexual or emotional abuse, and by parents and friends. Is the problem with the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act that was passed to protect all children from abuse not been enforced? The way the worldRead MoreChild Abuse And Neglect Data System1521 Words  | 7 PagesChild abuse is far too common. When the neighbors, teachers and social workers turn their heads to the physical and ps ychological indicators, abuse can become fatal. Like most crimes, this will not evaporate exclusively due to knowledge magnitude on this subject but with the education we can provide on this matter, we can work to building a path to better protect our children. Child abuse that leads to the murder of an innocent child is something that can be prevented. In this presentation you willRead MoreAbuse and Heredity1429 Words  | 6 PagesAbuse and Heredity Research question: Is child abuse hereditary? There are many types of abuse such as alcohol abuse, drug abuse, domestic abuse just to name a few but of all the types of abuse there is one type of abuse that is probably one of the easiest to pass down and that is child abuse. Child abuse is easy to pass down because we look to what we know when were not certain what to do. The term for passing down child abuse is known as intergenerational abuse. There are four methods of childRead MoreChild Abuse And Its Effects On Children1488 Words  | 6 Pages â€Æ' In addressing child abuse we are confronted with a series of problems. On the one hand, there is a lack of the true extent of the phenomenon because no data are available and that the issue, often refers to the most intimate spaces of family life. Furthermore, cultural and historical traditions affect the way each society faces this problem. Finally, there are varying opinions as to its definition and classification, as well as the consequences of child abuse may have and its subsequent therapeuticRead MoreThe Problem Of Child Abuse1388 Words  | 6 PagesChild Abuse Community Agency To solve the problem we must first understand it. As a young person I believe that the issue of child abuse needs to be addressed. It is crucial for society to comprehend the extensive problems that it causes and how it impacts people. Child abuse is the physical, sexual or emotional maltreatment or neglect of a child or children. Anything deliberately to hurt a child or young person physically, sexually, emotionally or psychologically is child abuse. The five subtypesRead MoreChild Abuse And The United States Department Of Health And Human Services1509 Words  | 7 PagesWhat is Child Abuse There is not one specific type of child abuse in fact there are more than one form of child mistreatment such as: physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect. Before going into further details of the problems and treatment of child abuse; one must know what child abuse is. The United States Department of Health and Human Services provides a standard legal definition of child abuse, CAPTA (2010) states: Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent
Pros Cons of Gmos free essay sample
Pros Cons of Gmos aya1010 Throughout history, scientific research and the exploration of new technologies have always been areas of extreme controversy and heated debate. This can be primarily attributed to the fact that they touch upon and affect many aspects of peoples lives, not to mention their direct interference with political, social and religious matters. One of the latest and most ferociously debated technologies, that the scientific community has offered humanity, is the technology of Genetically Modified Organisms and in particular genetically modified foods. A Genetically Modified food is crop plant modified in a laboratory using molecular biology techniques with the goal of producing an organism with specific traits for various reasons. It is therefore only logical, given its nature that such a practice would both raise some serious ethical and moral questions as well as propose very viable solutions to chronic problems the world faces today. An area in which Genetically Modified Organisms are relatively prevalent is agriculture. We will write a custom essay sample on Pros Cons of Gmos or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Genetically Modified foods are created to serve the purpose of creating a crop plant for animal or plant utilization. According to Deborah B. Whitman, outcomes of the genetic modifications are desirable and seemingly harmless characteristics such as making the crop more pest resistant, disease resistant, herbicide resistant, or more nutritionally valuable. In addition to these advantages, this technology also has the potential to solve a very serious issue facing less developed countries; the issue of medication and pharmaceutics. Since the development and mass production of vaccination is very costly and requires a high degree of scientific advancement, many third world countries face a challenge hen it comes to that aspect. GM food researchers have the ability to potentially integrate medications and vaccines into crops, thus solving this problem. The use of these techniques can also yield more crops which can help solve food shortages. With the global population hitting almost 6 billion, many parts of the world are bound to face food shortage problems. A continent such as Africa that suffers from a constant increase in population, combined with bad soil and dreadful weather conditions could surely benefit from such technologies. GM foods would definitely elp solve this continents plight. There are, however, some very serious potential disadvantages. This seemingly incredible technology comes with a very serious price; the use of GM foods in mass agricultural production has the potential to present humanity with an array of consequences that can negatively affect human health, economic prosperity and the environment. Amongst the most potentially destructive effects of GM foods is its potential effect on human health. A significant part of the process relies on the introduction of certain proteins to organisms. Some f these proteins have never been ingested previously by human making their long term effects whether they could be good or bad unknown. The intake of GM foods might also result in unexpected allergic reactions. This happens because the process of developing GM foods sometimes involves the splitting or sharing of genes between organisms. For example if there is a desirable characteristic in organism A, the gene responsible for that characteristic can be extracted or duplicated then installed in organism B , that way both organisms have that desirable quality. The problem ase carries organism As gene), which then his body reacts to the newly introduced gene causing various potential harmful effects. The use of GMOs can also affect not only the organism subject to the modification but also the surrounding environment. This occurs specifically during the transfer of pollen between plants during reproduction. For example a plant that has been genetically modified to in order to be resistant to a certain pest can also harm other useful organisms that interact with it. The use of GM foods also affects the economy, both on a global and national scale.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Vegetarianism (730 words) Essay Example For Students
Vegetarianism (730 words) Essay VegetarianismVegetarianism is a good idea for anyone, whether young or old, healthy or sick. Reasons supporting vegetarianism are inarguable since becoming a vegetarian is scientifically proven to improve ones lifestyle in several different ways. First and most importantly to many, vegetarianism improves ones health tremendously. Secondly, it can improve or display ones spirituality and beliefs. Another reason for changing to a vegetarian lifestyle that most people dont know is for the ecology and our surroundings. All of the above reasons and many more show that vegetarianism is a wonderful enhancement to anyones overall life. Health should be a considerable priority in every individuals life and vegetarians are proven to be healthier than carnivorous humans in various ways. First, medical studies show that a human beings body was not made to be carnivorous (for example; humans have no fang s or claws) and because are digestive system was not made to digest meat, a vegetarian diet is much easier and healthier for our bodies. Secondly, as known around the world, the most common cause of death is heart attack and the average man is at a 50% risk while a vegetarian man is at a 4% risk. Another fact most dont think about is that every one out of three chickens is infected with salmonella bacteria. Speaking of bacteria and disease, the U.S. Department of Agriculture implies that it protects meat-eaters through regular and thorough meat inspection while in reality, fewer than one out of every 250,000 slaughtered animals is tested for toxic chemical residues. As a matter of fact, breast milk of a meat-eating moth er versus a non meat-eating mother is 35 times higher for contamination of milk due to pesticides found in meat. Vegetarianism also prevents cancer by 50%, and prevents heart disease, lowering blood pressure, gallstones, kidney stones, osteoporosis and can even reverses diabetes. Finally, maintaining a vegetarian diet will not only make you physically healthier but will improve your psychiatric health also. In fact, many psychiatrists recommend a vegetarian diet to those with violent anger problems. As provided above, becoming a vegetarian would improve anyones health and give all nutrition needed including protein. We will write a custom essay on Vegetarianism (730 words) specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Many vegetarians do what they do for spiritual reasons and all have much supporting logic behind all the spirituality. Others claim they are spiritual people who are compassionate but how can one who eats meat be so with the knowledge of the suffering animals whose pain are beyond calculation? If one has understanding from God, how can he/she nourish ones self by the misery and death of other organisms made to live and be free? When a human kills an animal for food, he/she is neglecting his own hunger for justice. When a human claims to love Gods creatures and then eats meat, he/she is inconsistent and a hypocrite. One should never accept characteristics such as injustice, inconsistency and hypocrisy while asserting spirituality. There is another beneficial reason for vegetarianism that most never have heard of or thought about. Our environment is affected in many ways by livestock and so on. In fact, every quarter pound of hamburger meat one eats destroys 55 square feet of rainforest, which is already being demolished in the first place. This is because many cattle eaten in the U.S. have been fattened up and raised in former rainforest that was converted to grazing ground. Actually, more than 50% of rainforest destruction has been from animal grazing. Other than the destruction of rain forest, more than half of all water supplies goes to livestock production. Vegetarianism could even improve our world by preventing hunger for 1,300,000,000 humans could be fed by the grain and soybeans fed to livestock each year. Not only does meat eating help destroy our bodies but the world around us. .u7018d11ca563cf499116f23aa9675c3e , .u7018d11ca563cf499116f23aa9675c3e .postImageUrl , .u7018d11ca563cf499116f23aa9675c3e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7018d11ca563cf499116f23aa9675c3e , .u7018d11ca563cf499116f23aa9675c3e:hover , .u7018d11ca563cf499116f23aa9675c3e:visited , .u7018d11ca563cf499116f23aa9675c3e:active { border:0!important; } .u7018d11ca563cf499116f23aa9675c3e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7018d11ca563cf499116f23aa9675c3e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7018d11ca563cf499116f23aa9675c3e:active , .u7018d11ca563cf499116f23aa9675c3e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7018d11ca563cf499116f23aa9675c3e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7018d11ca563cf499116f23aa9675c3e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7018d11ca563cf499116f23aa9675c3e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7018d11ca563cf499116f23aa9675c3e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7018d11ca563cf499116f23aa9675c3e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7018d11ca563cf499116f23aa9675c3e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7018d11ca563cf499116f23aa9675c3e .u7018d11ca563cf499116f23aa9675c3e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7018d11ca563cf499116f23aa9675c3e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Decision making EssayWhen it all comes down to it, being a vegetarian is a wonderful, spiritual, and helpful way of life and it could be to all. It could improve health, spirituality, and even the ecology. There are many more reasons supporting vegetarianism and one could always find some that are most important to them. Some think of vegetarianism as a punishment or restriction while true vegetarians and the ones who know most distinguish that it is a fantastic and quick way
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