Thursday, November 28, 2019
Samuel Adams Radical Puritan
Political Views Over the Sugar act The Sugar act or simply American revenue act entails the derivation of a mechanism to raise tax. The act, passed by Great Britain parliament in 5 April 1764, states that, â€Å"it is expedient that new provisions and regulations should be established for improving the revenue of this Kingdom†¦and†¦It is just and necessary that revenue should be raised†¦for defraying the expenses of defending, protecting, and securing the same†(Countryman 51). Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Samuel Adams: Radical Puritan specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The 1733 tax rate that was agreed upon in the molasses act had been significantly reduced but since the tax had not been successfully collected due to colonial invasions, the American duties act attracted imposition of strict measures into place to ensure t tax collection. The action to impose the measures invited queries b y the colonialists regarding the British parliament’s intent. This facilitated the growth of movements opposed to the proponents of the act. Adams expressed his political discontent by writing inflammatory letters. On the other hand, Otis defended the colonies by resting his cases on â€Å"laws of nature and goodness of British constitution, both terms of sufficiency ambiguous for him to convince vast audiences that his arguments were unanswerable†(Countryman 92). Despite expressing their political discontent in different ways, they were both opposed to the act. Both Adams and Otis, according to Countryman, â€Å"The Sugar Act underscored a growing disconnect between Britain and the colonies†(44). The two opponents viewed imposition of the tax act as away to counter and recover the costs incurred in defending British colonies. Adams’ Role in the Stamp act Samuel Adams housed in an umbrella under the name, sons of liberty, rose up to in hard way to oppos e the act. Sons of liberty declared the tax illegal and not right. To put words into actions, according to Adams, â€Å"†¦they burned the stamps and drove out the stamp tax collectors†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (4.6). Adams plays a significant role in heading the Boston sons of liberty group, which is deemed one of the rowdiest patriotic groups in Boston. His role saw him elected in the general court of Massachusetts in 1765. He came up with strategies to spread immense brouhaha of the stamp act. The strategy made the Bostonians to reelect him despite his acts that threatened to corrupt the entire Boston city. Boston under the captainship of Adams made up its mind to drive away Oliver and city stamp tax master from the Boston city. Adams notes that, â€Å"They hung Oliver in effigy from the city’s Liberty Tree, and the Suffolk sheriff refused to cut it down out of fear for his life†(4.6). A mob gathered by Adams, burnt a building, which was set aside for housing the stamp offices headquarters, cut off Oliver’s head effigy and ransacked Oliver’s house under the full glare of the governor. Advertising Looking for essay on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More These actions resulted to resignation of Oliver on realization that the city drummers were part of the mob, which had set the stamp headquarters building ablaze. Several custom offices were invaded with a climax of flattening of Tomas Hutchinson under authorization of Adams. Adams also united gangs from north and south Boston, which roamed in the Boston city. Before the onset of British troops to enforce the stamp laws made by the parliament, almost the entire of Boston group remained headed by sons of liberty with Adams as the head. A permit to conduct businesses with stamps was given by the rival group. The failure for the convection held in New York to unite all colonies to act against tax, give an amicable o pportunity for sons of liberty to forge alliances with military from clubs in other British colonies. Consequently, Britain withdrew the stamp act in 1766. Jon Hancock’s relation to Adams and his role in the Townsend Act crisis Townshend acts, established to raise taxes in British colonies formed part of the work of Charles Townshend- councilor of ‘the exchequer’. The acts established policies of levying tax on paint, glass, paper, lead and tea. The tax on these commodities was levied on arrivals into the colonies. This made â€Å"a departure from earlier taxation schemes that had been primarily for regulating trade†(Flower 75). The acts were popularly termed as Revenue acts of 1767. John Hancock was a long time friend to john Adams. The two friends had stalemate due to reluctance of Adams to back George Washington who acted as an army commander. In November 1772, Adams formed Boston committee of correspondence, which Hancock was reluctant to join. This had an impact of creating an agreement impasse between wings of power. However, Adams and Hancock united much later in 1773 to fight constitution adoption. John Hancock played a major role in Townshend crisis where he emerged as a hero. His ship, liberty was seized an act that invoked a myriad of riots in Boston. â€Å"Hancock joined other Bostonians in calling for a boycott of British imports until the Townshend duties were repealed†(Flower 173). Hancock seemed targeted by customs board on suspicion that he involved in smuggling of tea. Alternatively, they must have intended to harm his political ambitions due to his failure to avail himself before the presence of custom officials during their public forums. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Samuel Adams: Radical Puritan specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More John Hancock also wrote a letter protesting for Townshend acts. In the letter he noted that â€Å"Ta xes equally detrimental to the commercial interests of the Parent country and the colonies are imposed upon the People, without their consent; Taxes designed for the Support of the Civil Government in the Colonies, in a Manner clearly unconstitutional†(Flower 200). The â€Å"Journal of the Times†and the paper’s role in the protest movement One of the themes in the Journal of the New Times was attraction of mass rejection of Adams opponents. Adam had attempted to publicly black list the Tories through publishing all names in the journal, which appeared in the Boston gazette. Adams â€Å"†¦demanded that votes in the Massachusetts House be recorded by name, and the Tories who opposed Adams’s men found their names publicly announced†(5.4). The second theme is political individualism. By publishing the journal, Adams was sure to obtain political star rise. Governor Bernard countered the Adams move but his efforts yielded no substantial fruits. Bernard had thrown out patriots appointed in posts of the government for instance militia posts. However, his strategies failed to work since â€Å"the effort backfired, and the opposition picked up nineteen seats in the House–exclusively at the cost of â€Å"black- listed†Tories†(Flower 231). Opposed to Bernard’s expectation Adams rose to the position of a clerk via his patriotic assembly. Otis, his friend on the other hand, became the assembly speaker. Furthermore, Laments that Adams that â€Å"Adams oversaw the removal from the Massachusetts Council of six supporters of Governor Francis Bernard, the colony’s highest governing body†(Countryman 108). Boston reacted to the Non-Importation Act by thinking outside the box to change their economies. According to Adams, â€Å"the non importation agreements marked a change in American economics, because it forced the development of local industries not previously viable in the colonies†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (6.5). Adams together with other leaders thought of initiating clothe manufacturing industries: an effort that was laughed at by Britons. The manufacturing efforts facilitated to foster and encourage â€Å"inter colony unity and a sense of independence†(Flower 236). Economic independence was high on the horizon. Britons were also concerned about and felt that political independence was also paramount.Advertising Looking for essay on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Hutchinson’s views on politics and his role in the Boston Massacre Hutchison believed that the only way to put into place a mechanism to ensure compliance with politically instigated policies was through troop’s interventions. To him any political demands were to be responded to ardently to ensure Britain continues to reign in its colonies. The Boston massacre was one of the exemplifications of Hutchinson sternness. Adams had initiated the circumstances that lead to the massacre. â€Å"On March 4, 1770, Bostonians awoke to find the city plastered with convincing forgeries of orders laying out a massive attack on the townspeople of Boston â€Å"signed†by prominent British soldiers†(Flower 240). Adams strategy to deal with the colonial power, forced the public to react with overwhelming wrath. Armed with various weapons such clubs and firm tools, a mob confronted the British troops. It is Hutchinson, being the chief commander of all the naval and army fo rces within the colony, who sent troop backup to help confront the mob. When one of the solders recovered his gun upon the knockdown beats by the mob with garbage, rocks and snowballs opened fire to the mob and others took after their colleague. This is what resulted to Boston massacre in which â€Å"five civilians were killed- including Attucks, Gray, Caldwell and Carr†(Countryman 97). An on looking man also died though he took no pragmatic roles in the riots. The Hutchinson hasty reaction to solve any political impasse greatly contributed to the negative perception of the mob about the intents of the colonial forces. He thus contributed substantially towards idealization of propaganda spread by Adams and his boys about the decision arrived at by the Britain to deal mercilessly with the civilians who defied their laws. Furthermore, Hutchinson saw no threat imposition by his troops and therefore could nothing about them when Adams called for withdraw of regiment responsibl e for the Boston massacre though he latter give in to Adams demands. Hutchinson’s letters and Britain’s response to the Boston Tea Party In December 1773, a group of Bostonian organized by Sam Adams destroyed a consignment of tea onboard liberty ship. A controversy consequently ensued between the colonialists and the Americans. East Indiana Company which had the monopoly to sale tea to Britain at wholesale, which was later exported to the some colonies particularly Boston, had faced undying challenges emanating from Dutch tea smuggling business in Britain and to Americans. To secure the company operations in Britain and enable the company withstand the winds of competition due to smuggled tea, the British parliament passed an act, which encouraged reduction of tax on tea consumed in Britain. Britain also, according to Adams, â€Å"†¦gave the East India Company a refund of the 25% duty on tea that was re-exported to the colonies†(6.4). The impact was redu ction of revenues which were later to be recovered by enactment and passing of Townshend revenue act. The act required more levy of new taxes on colonies. Tea was one of the products that seemed targeted. Instead of â€Å"solving the smuggling problem, however, the Townshend duties renewed a controversy about Parliament’s right to tax the colonies†(Countryman 167). Hutchinson letter urged London to take a harsh response to Boston tea party following the sons of liberty actions to destroy tea that was on transit returning back to Britain following protests against breach of Bostonians constitutional rights. Lord Noth, the then Britain prime minister said ‘whatever may be the consequences, we must risk something; if not, all is over†(Countryman 190). In an attempt to punish the act, Britain responded by closing Boston port, engineered it, and put in to place coercive acts. Benjamin Franklin demanded the repayment for the tea that experienced destruction by the colonies. Achievements at the First and Second Continental Congresses Agreements for burning importation of goods from Britain formed part of the discussion between the various colonies. All colonies had to obey them until Britain lifted the burn on Boston port. Adams notes that, â€Å"The agreement went far beyond earlier no importation agreements, and the citizens of Massachusetts were sure that the British bankers would not let the British government throw the colonies away†(9.3) since they had extended considerable loan (more than four million pounds) to colonialists. When New York countered on the idea to convene continental congress, Adams moved in to the idea in hurry since he had urged for a similar meeting right from 1773. During the first congress, Adams, Christopher Gadsden and Richard hennery lee played hard to unveil the intentions of the meeting though behind the behind scenes. Galloway appreciated the significant power the parliament plays but also, out lined a plan for Britain and America to unite strongly. According to Galloway â€Å"the colonies would be governed by an American Grand Council, the equivalent of a local Parliament, and a Crown-appointed Resident General would oversee the Council†(Countryman 231). The congress agreed that any acts of atrocity extended to Boston would face reciprocations with military response garnered from all across the colonies. â€Å"The Congress also passed a less- sweeping version of the Solemn Covenant, but none doubted the measures would still have an effect†(Countryman 235). During the second continental congress Adams and john cornered the congress to demand independence from Britons but other delegates perceived such a move as way of depicting that the colonies were weak. Instead the congress resolved to â€Å"wait until the British attacks had grown to such a point where it was forced to declare independence†(Countryman 235). Adams and Hancock’s relations hip during writing of the Mass State Constitution The rivalry emerged when Adams rose to support George Washington as the commandant in favor of Hancock. The rivalry between the two friends existed for the rest of the warring time. Adams returned to Boston after the second convection was over in an attempt to go and restore order in Boston dominated by a myriad of chaos. Adams was opposed to the constitution, his state having rejected the first draft because the needs of the American were vast and thus not equally addressed. When the convection for the constitution was called, john Adams and Sam Adams were nominated for the noble task. Unfortunately, Sam Adams fell unwell and thus john Adams, apart from article III solely written by him, wrote the entire constitution. Attempts to move articles of confederation in to constitution concerned Adams. â€Å"He fully believed that the united States were too large and had too many different needs to be adequately represented under a sing le government†(Countryman 239). According to Adams, the capacity of the constitution to provide sufficient protection to civil liberties was questionable. He remained silent with his concerns until his appointment as Massachusetts delegate. On recognition of Adams opposition to the constitution, other delegates â€Å"cultivated and organized a vote among Boston workingmen and artisans–Adams’s core supporters–to rebuke Adams for his anti-Constitution outbursts†(Countryman 239). Adams seemed to lose his supporters. Adams opposition to the constitution had invited remedy to the spoilt relationship with Hancock so as that could drum up fight against the constitution together. Role of Adams during the Ratification process and political role afterwards Adams played pragmatic roles in the ratification process. In the ratification process, he was the catalyst for san souci club to loudly voice through their grievances. He notes that, â€Å"Bostonâ€℠¢s nightlife began to rival that of New York’s. Rumors even swirled that the city might become home to a gambling club that allowed girls over the age of sixteen inside†(10.9). Adams also began to write editorials reminiscent to the sugar or stamps controversy. He advised that, â€Å"†¦the city could be corrupted so soon after it won its freedom and cleansed itself of the impurities of Britain†(Adams 10.9). In fact, he went to an extent to attempt to have a travelling theatre group jailed. Adams reacted to the condemnations by Harvard student and termed his action as having hit ‘just right’. Adams began to rise politically again during the French revolution of 1793 and after the death of Hancock in the same year. Until his death, Hancock was the Massachusetts governor. According to Countryman, â€Å"†¦Adams became the leader of the Jacobin faction of Massachusetts government†(203). The roaming in streets of Jacobean faithful had alarmed onset of a revolution under captainship of Adams. â€Å"French tricolors began to appear around Boston and gangs of Jacobin supporters roamed the streets in a throwback to the days of the Sons of Liberty†(Countryman 240). His influence died in 1790s and climax reached in 1795 when Adams opponent managed to remove his supporters from incumbency. With regard to Flower, he â€Å"†¦failed to win the 1796 selection to as an elector opposed t o his cousin and announced he would step from governor†(10). The entire country went wholly in favor of the constitution making Adams much less popular only for him to die in 1803 as a politically disappointed man. Works Cited Adams, Samuel. Radical Puritan. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2007. Countryman, Edward. The American Revolution: revised edition. New York: Hill Wang, 2003. Flower, Williams. Samuel Adams: Radical puritan. London: Longman, 1997. This essay on Samuel Adams: Radical Puritan was written and submitted by user Kason Holland to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Postscript (P.S.) Definition and Examples in Writing
Postscript (P.S.) Definition and Examples in Writing A postscript is a brief message appended to the end of a letter (following the signature) or other text. A postscript is usually introduced by the letters P.S. In certain types of business letters (in particular, sales promotion letters), postscripts are commonly used to make a final persuasive pitch or offer an additional incentive to a potential customer. EtymologyFrom the Latin post scriptum, written afterward Examples and Observations James Thurbers Postscript in a Letter to E.B. White (June 1961)If the United States had had you and G.B. Shaw working together, would the country have had the E.B.G.B.s? If so, it would have been good for us.(Quoted by Neil A. Grauer in Remember Laughter: A Life of James Thurber. University of Nebraska Press, 1995)E.B. Whites Letter to Harold Ross, Editor of The New Yorker[August 28, 1944]Mr. Ross:Thanks for the Harper advert. from your valued magazine. I would have seen it anyway, but was glad to get it hot from your stapling department. . . .I would have changed publishers fifteen years ago, only I dont know how you change publishers. The first half of my life I didnt know how babies came, and now, in my declining years, I dont know how you change publishers. I guess I will always be in some sort of quandary.WhiteP.S. The de-stapling machine works better than I would have believed possible.(Letters of E.B. White, rev. ed., edited by Dorothy Lobrano White and Martha White. Har perCollins, 2006) At the bottom [of the rejection slip] was an unsigned jotted message, the only personal response I got from AHMM over eight years of periodic submissions. Dont staple manuscripts, the postscript read. Loose pages plus paperclip equal correct way to submit copy. This was pretty cold advice, I thought, but useful in its way. I have never stapled a manuscript since.(Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft. Simon Schuster, 2000) The Postscript as a Rhetorical Strategy When writing a fundraising letter, remember that many potential donors will read your letters P.S. before the body of the letter, so include any compelling information there. (Stan Hutton and Frances Phillips, Nonprofit Kit for Dummies, 3rd ed. For Dummies, 2009)Studies reveal that when people receive personal, and even printed, letters, they read the salutation first and the P.S. next. Therefore, your P.S. should include your most attractive benefit, your invitation to action, or anything that inspires a feeling of urgency. There is an art to writing a P.S. I recommend that your personal lettersbut not your e-mailinclude a handwritten P.S. message, because it proves beyond doubt that you have created a one-of-a-kind letter that wasnt sent to thousands of people. In our age of technology, personal touches stand tall. (Jay Conrad Levinson, Guerrilla Marketing: Easy and Inexpensive Strategies for Making Big Profits From Your Small Business, rev. ed. Houghton Mifflin, 2007) Jonathan Swifts Postscript to A Tale of a Tub Since the writing of this, which was about a year ago, a prostitute bookseller hath published a foolish paper, under the name of Notes on the Tale of a Tub, with some account of the author: and, with an insolence which, I suppose, is punishable by law, hath presumed to assign certain names. It will be enough for the author to assure the world, that the writer of that paper is utterly wrong in all his conjectures upon that affair. The author farther asserts, that the whole work is entirely of one hand, which every reader of judgement will easily discover: the gentleman who gave the copy to the bookseller, being a friend of the author, and using no other liberties besides that of expunging certain passages, where now the chasms appear under the name of desiderata. But if any person will prove his claim to three lines in the whole book, let him step forth, and tell his name and titles; upon which, the bookseller shall have orders to prefix them to the next edition, and the claimant shal l from henceforward be acknowledged the undisputed author. (Jonathan Swift, A Tale of a Tub, 1704/1709) Thomas Hardys Postscript to The Return of the Native To prevent disappointment to searchers for scenery it should be added that though the action of the narrative is supposed to proceed in the central and most secluded part of the heaths united into one whole, as above described, certain topographical features resembling those delineated really lie on the margin of the waste, several miles to the westward of the centre. In some other respects also there has been a bringing together of scattered characteristics. I may mention here in answer to enquiries that the Christian name of Eustacia, borne by the heroine of the story, was that of the Lady of the Manor of Ower Moigne, in the reign of Henry the Fourth, which parish includes part of the Egdon Heath of the following pages. The first edition of this novel was published in three volumes in 1878. April 1912 T.H. (Thomas Hardy, The Return of the Native, 1878/1912)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
A Comparative Analysis of Two Texts Related to Gender Studies of Youth Essay
A Comparative Analysis of Two Texts Related to Gender Studies of Youth in London - Essay Example The researcher states that while both of these studies are gender related, each approaches the problem from a distinctly different viewpoint. In fact, both these studies covering aspects of gender and their reverberations in the social and cultural context of British society have started off from a historical and cultural perspective. Both comment on the changes that have occurred in the external environment that have an impact on how today’s youth think and feel. Included also is the change brought about by individualism, consumerism and the economic difficulties in making ends meet. The importance or uselessness of education, the need for money and the need to explore choices and have a good time are all covered being aspects of today’s teenager’s lives. They are confused and distraught at the lack of guidance that will enable them to achieve their dreams and aspirations, and look for true and valuable input that really makes logical sense rather than being sol d courses that may or may not pay off in the long run. The second study by Francis makes special mention of the ethnic background of the children studied in three schools across the social strata Vietnamese Asians, Chinese, Indian and Afro-Caribbean children are mentioned. Elements of culture are also visible in classifications of the males as macho lads, academic achievers, new enterprisers and real Englishmen from the British perspective as compared to conformists, innovators, retreatists and rebels from an Afro-Caribbean viewpoint. Reasons for the Research and its Significance in the Social and Historical Context Although both books can be regarded as gender studies in their own right a review of each shows that these studies have a very different genesis and raison d’etre. While the Francis study is limited to boys and girls of adolescent ages and their achievements in a classroom context, the Ball et al. study has a distinctly wider perspective and reach. It touches upon choices relating to post high school primarily relating to work and employment. So in a sense the Ball study starts where the Francis study ends. Nevertheless, both studies it can be seen have their own utility and impact on life in the classroom and on the route to work and employment. Although the context and duration of the Francis study is limited to achievements in the classroom, it also relates the fact that gender discrimination can be seen here in various contexts and must be reduced. It is commendable that some changes have been evident since the 1990s, where boys and girls achievements in the GSCE examinations have been decreasing. Similarly we find that even out at work, there still exists a glass ceiling for females in management, disciplines like teaching and nursing are female dominated, and females are paid less than males for similar work. Added to this is the fact that a married woman has to play the role of wife, mother, office worker, cook, carer and confidante f or her boss, family and kids in the course of 24 hours day after day. Admittedly all this is changing in the modern era where we have househusbands and working wives- but the work culture is still male dominated and will take some
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Case. Hawaiian Punch Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Case. Hawaiian Punch - Essay Example In the end, Hoedebeck pinpoints the three problem areas which Hawaiian Punch needs to assess. First, how can its distribution networks be organized and utilized in order to bring about the maximum sales for the company? How should innovation be managed in order for them to fit and embody the previous image of Hawaiian Punch? Lastly, what is the best advertising tactics that it can employ in order to raise awareness of the newly introduced variants as well as boost brand sales? The analysis of the internal and external environment of Hawaiian Punch can be best conducted through the use of the strategic management tool SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It should be noted that strengths and weaknesses represents the internal factors in the business organization under consideration while the opportunities and threats is a survey of the external environment. Strengths. The main strength of the Hawaiian Punch is its strong brand equity. Because of the quality of its products, 94% of all Americans are aware of the brand and its classic Fruit Juicy Red. It has also been able to create a specific image in the minds of the consumer as â€Å"fun childhood consumption experiences, unique and refreshing taste, vitamin C content, and Punchy Mascot.†Aside from this, Hawaiian Punch has also been able to establish a wide network of distributors both from the retail and trade sectors. The product has also been recognized by these distributors as fast moving. Weaknesses. Even though Hawaiian Punch generally has very high brand awareness in the market, this is almost exclusive in the Fruit Juicy Red flavor. Newer and more innovative ones are not really popular in the market. This discrepancy can be attributed to the weak advertising efforts of the company as well as the differences in the products being
Monday, November 18, 2019
Islamic ART Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Islamic ART - Essay Example One of the fundamental features of Islamic art that sets the tone for the bulk of the collection (though the objects on display are not all Islamic, with also Christian cultures like Egyptian Copts being represented) is the tendency for aniconism, which means unacceptability of images featuring God (for Islam doesn’t actually have a clear visual representation of the latter), human beings or animals. Since the dawn of Islam, the God was perceived as a â€Å"great shaper†, i.e. the only one entitled to endow shape to living beings; thus, the person painting the latter literally encroached divine powers of the God (___). Given strong aniconistic tendencies, Islamic art had another focal features contributing to its authentic nature: these are lavish use ornamentation – predominantly geometric elements and various floral ornaments – and extensive use of Islamic calligraphy. As the objects of art show us, calligraphy is not only a purely practical phenomenon, but also a peculiar Islamic art, a significant cultural attribute of Islam playing an essential role in artistic representations of Islamic culture throughout history. Probably, calligraphy is what would definitely help distinguish an Islamic art object from others, along with orations and lavishness in adornment. This field of Islamic art formed on the basis of Qur’an copying and is therefore the seminal and inseparable part of Islam itself; moreover, Arabic is considered sacred, for it is the language of the Qur’an revelation to the Prophet and is the means for preservation and communication of the message of God. First used for religious purposes only, it later transformed into art and became an integral part of visual art. The Met exhibition features an enormous number of Qur’an folios that were created in different periods beginning with the rule of Umayyads and later. Particularly, a good example of a Qur’an
Friday, November 15, 2019
Development Of Ecommerce In China Information Technology Essay
Development Of Ecommerce In China Information Technology Essay E-commerce usually indicates that the traditional sales channel is moved to the Internet by the means of electronic techniques. E-commerce (electronic commerce or EC) is the buying and selling of goods and services on the Internet, especially the World Wide Web. (Coppel, 2000)With the development of e-commerce, the buyers and sellers conduct various business activities on the basis of the application of browser and server. E-commerce is a new type of commercial business model, which can achieve the consumer online shopping, transaction activities, financial activities and activities related to integrated services. However, e-commerce could break the national and regional barriers and make the enterprises realize globalization. E-commerce is a process that optimizes various activities continuously by adopting digital information technology. E-commerce covers a wide range. Generally speaking, e-commerce can be divided into two forms, including Business-to-Business and Business-to-Consumer. Recently, new models of e-commerce are in a growth stage, including Consumer-to-Consumer, Business-to-Manager, Business-to-Marketing and Manager-to-Consumer. (Kohavi, 2001) With the increase of domestic Internet users, online shopping and bank card payment consumption in Internet are becoming more popular. At the same time, market share is rapidly growing and e-commerce web sites become more and more. The most common security system of e-commerce has two types, including SSL (Secure Socket Layer) and SET (Secure Electronic Transaction). E-commerce is an evolving concept. IBM Corporation, as the pioneer of e-commerce, proposed the concept of Electronic Commerce E-commerce owns three stages in the whole development. The first stage is the electronic mail stage. This stage started from 1970s and the average communications capacity grew at the speed of several times every year. The second stage is the information promulgation stage. Since 1995, the information promulgation system grew rapidly. Web technology is an obvious representation. At present, the information promulgation system becomes the main application technology of the Internet. The third stage is electronic commerce. Electronic commerce just developed in U.S.A. The ultimate objective of Internet is the commercial purpose, which is electronic commerce. (Yannis, 2001) From the three stages of e-commerce, it can be seen that the application of Internet plays a critical role in the development of e-commerce. 2.1.2 Development of E-commerce in China The e-commerce in China began in 1997. If the e-commerce in U.S.A is business push model, e-commerce in China relies more on technology pull push. This is a large difference between Chinese e-commerce and American e-commerce. In the U.S.A, the practice of e-commerce originated from the concept of e-commerce. The business demands of enterprises push the advancement of network and e-commerce technology, finally contributing to the formation of the concept of e-commerce. When the Internet age comes, the United States has owned a more advanced and developed e-commerce foundation. In China, the concept of e-commerce emerged earlier than the application and development of e-commerce. Torchbearer of e-commerce is IBM and other IT vendors. (Scott, 2006) The network and e-commerce technology requires continuously to pulling the business demands of enterprises, thereby causing the application and development of Chinese e-commerce. It is very important to know the difference and this i s a major feature of e-commerce development in China. Meanwhile, knowing the difference between Chinese e-commerce and American e-commerce is also a key to understand the development of Chinese e-commerce. In 1997 and 1998, the main body of Chinese e-commerce is the IT vendors and the media. The IT vendors and media implemented the elementary education concerning e-commerce. As a result, this could inspire and guide peoples understanding, interests and needs towards e-commerce. After this stage, in 1999 and 2000, the e-commerce service merchants that feature the websites became the first application under the involvement of venture capital. With the deepening application and development of e-commerce, the website e-commerce began to fall into the bottom. At the same time, enterprises, especially large-scale traditional enterprises, started to enter e-commerce field. Since 2001, Chinese e-commerce entered the third stages. Since then, the enterprises e-commerce becomes a new subject in China. In recent years, Chinese e-commerce has the rapid development. In 2007, the total volume of national e-commerce transactions achieved RMB 2.17 trillion yuan, increasing 90% than the past year. The online shipping in China also has a rapid development. By the end of June 2008, online shopping users reached 63.29 million subscribers and increased by 36.4% within six months. Till December 2008, the entire users of e-commerce websites have been covered from 90,000,000 to 98,000,000. (Gregory, 2008) 2.1.3 Developed Stages of E-commerce in China Generally speaking, e-commerce in China can be divided into six stages. These six stages are starting stage, adjusting stage, resuscitating stage, rapid developing stage, upgrade stage and maturity stage. Starting Stage This stage lasted from 1997 to 1999. The first scale of e-commerce websites were established within these three years in China. At that time, the concept of new Internet encouraged the first scale of business owners. These business owners thought the traditional business would reply on the Internet to communicate. (Angelov, 2001) Therefore, they believed that the e-commerce would have a large potential in the future. From 1997 to 1999, some famous e-commerce websites emerged. Of the current e-commerce websites, 5.2% were established in 1990s. Adjusting Stage The adjusting stage lasted from 2000 to 2002. Under the background of Internet bubble, the development of e-commerce suffered large shock. Under this circumstance, the confidence of business owners experienced serious challenge. Within these three years, few business owners established new e-commerce websites. Resuscitating Stage The resuscitating stage lasted from 2003 to 2005. Since 2003, the e-commerce in China has resuscitated. However, parts of e-commerce websites were more careful to treat the profit model and reduce the operation cost. According to the investigation by B2B researching center, 30.1% of e-commerce websites were built from 2003 to 2005. During this period, the enterprise members who adopt the e-commerce enhanced increasingly. Rapid Developing Stage The rapid developing stage lasted from 2006 to 2007. The improvement of Internet environment and popularization of e-commerce in China brought large opportunities to the e-commerce. In this stage, the members of various e-commerce platforms increased sharply. Most of B2B e-commerce websites realized the profits. The dream of IPO, good competition in the industry and investment emotion stimulates the e-commerce industry in China to enter in rapid development stage. (Kenneth, 2003) Within two years, the numbers of e-commerce websites increased largely. It is investigated that the e-commerce websites built in 2007 exceeded 30.3% of current websites. Upgrade Stage The upgrade stage lasted from 2008 to 2009. Between 2008 and 2009, global financial crisis influenced many industries. Under the guidance of expanding domestic demand and reducing the costs, B2B gained more development. However, C2C field made online users own more choice spaces. It is researched by B2B researching center that the e-commerce websites in this stage took up the 22.3% of current total quantities. Maturity Stage Maturity stage started since 2009. After 2009, e-commerce in China will meet new development. With the economic development and technology development, e-commerce will deeply change the consumer behavior in future. 2.2 Online Shopping 2.2.1 Introduction of Online Shopping Online shopping is the process that the consumers purchase the products by the Internet without any intermediary. In this situation, the consumers do not go to the shopping centers and spend much time. An online shop, e-shop, e-store, internet shop, web-shop, webstore, online store, or virtual store evokes the physical analogy of buying products or services at a bricks-and-mortar retailer or in a shopping mall. (Bigne, 2005) This process is known as Business-to-Consumer (B2C) online shopping. Business-to-Business (B2B) online shopping is formed when a business purchases from another business. Both B2C online shopping and B2B online shopping are the main forms of e-commerce. History In 1990, Tim Berners-Lee created the first World Wide Web server and browser. (Jarvenpaa, 2007) In 1991, the commercial use has been created and was applied to the business. With the technological development, more improvement in Internet was adopted in the business. For example, online banking was opened and brought the convenience to the consumers. Pizza Hut opened an online pizza shop. In 1994, Netscape fetched in a secure system to maintain the online shopping, which is called SSL encryption of data transferred online. In 1995, e-Bay emerged in the online shopping. During the same year, Amazon enlarged the online shopping. Recently, Overstock has also become one of the worlds largest and reliable online shopping stores. (Davis, 2001) As a result, online shopping is in a continuous developing process. Web-shop The emergence of web-shop appears with the development of online shopping. The web-shop refers to an online retailer. Web development, hosting and other activities related with web are known as web-shops. (Falk, 2005) The growth of online shopping is mostly because transportation costs went up and telecom costs went down. (Chaudhury, 2001) Therefore, as time goes past, the Internet is a commonplace. Online shopping provides consumers with large ranges of selection and thus consumers could choose the goods and services with an optimal price. However, online shopping has the limitations that consumers can not see the actual goods what they want to buy. Sometimes there are some differences between the pictures shown on the Internet and the goods consumers finally receive. Customers Online shopping is very popular in recent years. Online shopping usually caters to the middle and upper class. (Bucklin, 2002) The premise of online shopping is that one must be access to a computer, a bank account and a debit card. Online shopping can not leave with the advanced technology. According to research which focused on the demographic characteristics of the in-home shopper, in general, the higher the level of education, income, and occupation of the head of the household, the more favorable the perception of non-store shopping. (Moe, 2003) Initially, the main target audience of online shopping was young men with a high level of income and education. In the process of social development, women became more independent in the value. Today, the online shopping was used by both men and women in the middle class. 2.2.2Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Shopping Nowadays as the rapid change of technology, e-commerce has developed fast. Unlike with the bricks and mortar retailing, online shopping has only virtual stores. Due to the development of e-commerce, online shopping has become a new business and gone to maturity. It is necessary for the marketers to know the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping respectively. Advantages No Space and Time Limit Traditional retailing business is based on fixed locations and time. It is few that the stores could do business in the whole 24 hours. However, online shopping business is no time limit, operating 24 hours a day. Its time is decided by the online users who are consumers. Therefore, online shopping business has the advantage of the new space-time, which could be an even greater extent on the wider internet to meet the needs of users and consumers. In addition, online sales can be carried out in the world with the internet, and there are no geographical barriers. In the face of the global market, without having to spend exorbitant costs of international marketing conditions, it may create an international brand, launching the least costs or services to the world. (Andy, 2004) Services of All-round Display of Product For the common daily use product, there are no advantages for e-commerce. But for other durable goods or complex and industrial goods, online shopping will be able to use on-line multi-media performance to display products appearance, performance and quality. Meanwhile, online shopping could determine the function of internal structure in order to help consumers fully understand the goods or services, then buying it. Specific Information and Convenient Comparison Internet provides comprehensive, specific, effective and strong information and reliable low-cost. It is easy to use search technology and fast transmission of the process to make consumers acquire access to information simply. 4) Close Relationship with Consumers and a Better Understanding of Consumers As the Internets interactive communication, there is no outside interference about expressing their feelings. It makes consumers to express more evaluation about product or service. This kind of the evaluation, on the one hand, let on-line retailers can be better understanding of the internal needs of internet consumers; on the other hand, consumers interactive communication with online retailers could promote their close relationship. Cheaper Products As the online shopping retailers are virtual intermediary agencies, they do not need stores, decorating, and the display of goods on the shelves, attendants and so on. It leads the costs of their products to be cheaper. Therefore, their price is lower that the products price in the traditional stores. It is also an advantage that can attract more consumers. Disadvantages 1) A Lack of Feeling and Human Communication In traditional shopping, consumers judge and choose products through looking, hearing, smelling, touching and other sensor. But in the process of online shopping, it only offers two waysto look or hear. For a number of people, the feeling of shopping is a social practice and a kind of social contact with the opportunity to enjoy a kind (Christopher, 2005). Online shopping has lost the fun of wandering the streets, meanwhile, the fun of shopping process will greatly discounted. 2 ¼Ã¢â‚¬ °Lack of Psychological Satisfaction In traditional shopping, as the relationship between population, people like to display their personality and life situation in costume and make-up to enjoy and appreciate other peoples envy. In the way of online shopping, no one know the consumers appearance, dress, wealth, so that shoppings psychological satisfaction can not be attained. 3) The Limited Scope of Application Although in theory, any product can be on-line transactions, in actual operation, there is still not suitable for many products sales. This involves products attributes and characteristics. Some products are easy to be damaged in the process of transportation. For these products, consumers would not purchase online. 2.2.3 Online Shopping Development in China With the application of Internet, online shopping gradually becomes one of online activities for Chinese. The online shopping development in China can be divided into four stages, including flush stage, growth stage, rapid developing stage and maturity stage. Flush Stage Before 1999, the prophets of Chinese Internet began to establish the B2C websites, which contributed to promote the online shopping. However, this action was questioned by the economic field at that time. The questions were sourced from three aspects. Firstly, economic filed thought there were no enough consumers to select the online shopping. It was investigated that the Internet users only reached 8.9 million till 2000 in China and most of people have not formed the habit of online shopping. Therefore, many economists thought the online shopping would not have large market in China. Secondly, they believed that online shopping could not solve the logistics problem at that time. The online shopping requires national logistics distribution system. But the express industry in China before 1999 was just in a starting stage. Thirdly, online shopping could not solve the Internet payment problems. Before 1999, Chinese were used to cash transactions and did not form the habit of bank card. As a result, online shopping was really difficult to develop in China before 1999. Growth Stage The growth stage lasted from 2003 to 2005. In 2003, SARS shocked China seriously. However, SARS explored a new era of online shopping in China. Attacked by SARS, most people trapped in the house. If they wanted to go out to buy things, they needed to rely on the network. Even people with a strong sense against online shopping began to try. Then more and more people realized the convenience of online ordering, home delivery. (Frieden, 2006) At the same time, more and more people would like to accept online shopping. After SARS in 2003, consumers in China increasingly participated in online shopping. Online shopping business has gradually established the market in China and entered into the growth phase. Rapid Developing Stage This stage lasted from 2006 to 2007. Going through the growth stage, online shopping in China entered into the rapid developing phase. Many people experienced the online shopping and the entire e-commerce environment was broke. After 1999, some problems related to the online shipping were improved continuously, including the logistics distribution, payment and so on. In 2006, logistics distribution system was already mature and became a critical role in the Chinese online shopping. The online payment also made the large advancement. The third party payment tool could ensure the payment safety of consumers. During this time, the original stumbling block to online shopping did not exist. (Miller, 2002) According to the official statistics, in 2006, the market size of online shopping in China reached over RMB 20 billion. 2007 is the year when online shopping developed the most rapid. In 2007, the market size of B2C online shopping achieved RMB 4.3billion. Meanwhile, the market size of B 2B online shopping reached RMB 51.8 billion. Above statistics meant the online shopping in China has been very optimistic from 2006 to 2007. Maturity Stage Since 2008, the online shopping entered into a maturity stage. With the promotion of Olympic Games, the online market kept 95% of increasing rate. From 2008 to now, the online shopping is in a stable increasing process. In the future five years, the market size of online shopping will expand stable. 2.3 Consumer Behavior 2.3.1 Introduction 2.3.2 Characteristics of Consumer Behavior 2.3.3 Factors that Impact on Consumer Behavior 2.4 Cultural Factor 2.4.1 Introduction 2.4.2 How Cultural Factors impact on Consumer Behavior
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Essay --
The Journey Beyond The characters in Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving and Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorn both leave their wives to embark on a journey for different reasons, experiencing different conflicts, and return home with a different attitude about their life. On their journey, both characters encounter bizarre, unnatural events. Throughout both stories, the authors construct a clear picture of how society was, the role of gender, and religion. Rip Van Winkle and Young Goodman Brown both take place in small, early American villages. Rip Van Winkle is a resident of Catskill, New York, just next to the Hudson River. He was a kind-hearted, willing to please, neighborly man who was greatly admired by the women, children, and dogs of the town. Rip Van Winkle was always willing do favors and help neighbors out whenever they asked, but never wanted to do any work on his own farm. Rip Van Winkle was married to Dame Van Winkle. Dame was a short tempered woman who spends all of her time criticizing and nagged Rip about his responsibilities to the family and farm. Rip and Dane did not get along and the relationship continued to get worse. He would often leave the house to go to the bar or hunting in the woods to get away from his nagging wife. Goodman Brown is a resident of Salem, Massachusetts. He came from a Christian family that is known in the community as being godly men. He newly married to his wife, Faith. Faith wears pink rib bons in her hair, representing innocence. Like Goodman Brown, Faith is pure-hearted and religious. He viewed her as beautiful, trusting, and representation of purity and high moral standards. Both Rip Van Winkle and Goodman Brown have different motives as to why they are departing from t... ... world. He cannot believe the words of the minister and does not fully love his wife which lead him to live his life in sadness and dismay. The characters in Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving and Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorn both leave their wives to embark on a journey for different reasons, experiencing different conflicts, and return home with a different attitude about their life. Rip Van Winkle left his wife on a journey to get away from her, facing many obstacles like the old man with the keg, and returned home happy with his life away from work, King George, and his wife. Goodman Brown sets out on a journey away from his wife because he promised to meet someone, he too facing many obstacles such as the old man with the staff who turns out to be the devil. He then returns home believing that everyone is bad and there is no good in the world. Essay -- The Journey Beyond The characters in Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving and Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorn both leave their wives to embark on a journey for different reasons, experiencing different conflicts, and return home with a different attitude about their life. On their journey, both characters encounter bizarre, unnatural events. Throughout both stories, the authors construct a clear picture of how society was, the role of gender, and religion. Rip Van Winkle and Young Goodman Brown both take place in small, early American villages. Rip Van Winkle is a resident of Catskill, New York, just next to the Hudson River. He was a kind-hearted, willing to please, neighborly man who was greatly admired by the women, children, and dogs of the town. Rip Van Winkle was always willing do favors and help neighbors out whenever they asked, but never wanted to do any work on his own farm. Rip Van Winkle was married to Dame Van Winkle. Dame was a short tempered woman who spends all of her time criticizing and nagged Rip about his responsibilities to the family and farm. Rip and Dane did not get along and the relationship continued to get worse. He would often leave the house to go to the bar or hunting in the woods to get away from his nagging wife. Goodman Brown is a resident of Salem, Massachusetts. He came from a Christian family that is known in the community as being godly men. He newly married to his wife, Faith. Faith wears pink rib bons in her hair, representing innocence. Like Goodman Brown, Faith is pure-hearted and religious. He viewed her as beautiful, trusting, and representation of purity and high moral standards. Both Rip Van Winkle and Goodman Brown have different motives as to why they are departing from t... ... world. He cannot believe the words of the minister and does not fully love his wife which lead him to live his life in sadness and dismay. The characters in Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving and Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorn both leave their wives to embark on a journey for different reasons, experiencing different conflicts, and return home with a different attitude about their life. Rip Van Winkle left his wife on a journey to get away from her, facing many obstacles like the old man with the keg, and returned home happy with his life away from work, King George, and his wife. Goodman Brown sets out on a journey away from his wife because he promised to meet someone, he too facing many obstacles such as the old man with the staff who turns out to be the devil. He then returns home believing that everyone is bad and there is no good in the world.
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